Coronavirus Update
As a valued customer, Coach Canada and Megabus want to keep you informed as to the proactive steps we are taking in relation to the Coronavirus, which has been named “SARS-CoV-2” and the disease it causes has been named “coronavirus disease 2019” (abbreviated “COVID-19”).
We are a leader in transportation safety and, therefore, it is important that we keep our employees and passengers informed and assure you of your safety during travel on any of our services. We have been monitoring reports provided by federal, state and local government sites and keeping communications open with various organizations and affiliations, including the Public Health Agency of Canada (“PHaC”). Based on what has been communicated, we have implemented the following preventative measures:
Facial Coverings
- Effective immediately, Megabus will no longer require masks for our employees and our customers while traveling on our vehicles in Canada, with the exception of Quebec. Passengers boarding in Montreal will still need to wear masks. The CDC still recommends wearing a mask while on public transit and we encourage customers to make the choice that makes sense for them.
Cleaning/Disinfecting Procedures
- We have been and will continue to wash and wipe down all of our buses on a daily basis.
- We are providing individual hand sanitizers to all of our employees.
- Disinfectant wipes will be placed on all buses so that high traffic areas, hand rails and hard surfaces can be wiped down regularly.
- Disinfectant wipes will be made available in common work areas in every depot and office so that all door knobs, and hard surfaces can be wiped down regularly.
- The air on board the vehicles is filtered every 2 minutes and completely replaced with fresh, outside air every 10 minutes to ensure optimal air quality.
We also encourage you to visit the PHaC that provides the most up to date information on COVID-19. Please visit the link https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/services/diseases/2019-novel-coronavirus-infection.html . It also details what each individual can do to prevent his or her own exposure to COVID-19, which we include below for immediate reference:
Canadians should continue to think ahead about the actions that they can take to stay healthy and prevent the spread of any illness, especially respiratory infections.
- Now and always during cold and flu season, stay home if you are sick. Encourage those you know are sick to stay home until they no longer have symptoms.
- Since respiratory viruses, such as the one that causes COVID-19, are spread through contact, change your regular greeting. Instead of a handshake, a kiss or a hug, a friendly wave or elbow bump is less likely to expose you to respiratory viruses.
- Practise frequent hand hygiene and coughing/sneezing etiquette. Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces, such as toys and doorknobs.
- These are the most important ways that you can protect yourself and your family from respiratory illness, including COVID-19.
We will continue to be vigilant in our actions to ensure the safe travel of our employees and passengers and will post any updates as required.